Nevada County Concert Band – Board of Directors
President: Tom Larsen (2025-2026)
Vice President: Tim Proffitt (2024-2025)
Treasurer: Ryan McKibben
Secretary: Mary Rose Preston (2020-2026)
Director at Large: Larry Faller (2024-2025)
Contact Information
Email address: nccband@yahoo.com
Telephone number: (530) 272-6228
Mailing address: Nevada County
Concert Band, P.O. Box 1444, Nevada City, CA 95959
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NevCoConcertBand
Mission Statement
The Nevada County Concert Band offers admission-free musical
entertainment while providing its members a challenging and satisfying
opportunity to rehearse and perform music of audience appeal.
Joining the Band
The Nevada County Concert Band is a fully instrumented concert band of volunteer musicians and workers. The band requires no auditions or fees for membership, and there are no age limitations. We only ask that you bring your musical abilities up to an acceptable level of artistic performance closely equal to that of the other musicians within your section.
We have musicians in the band who have picked up their instrument after a layoff of decades and now play for the joy of adding their music to the group. Also, there are student musicians from the local junior high and high schools who also play with the group for the experience of playing with the "old salts."
Warmup begins at 6:00pm, and rehearsals follow from 6:30pm – 8:45pm on Monday evenings. Rehearsals during February-May are held at Union Hill Elementary School (Grass Valley) at the multi-purpose room, and rehearsals during June-August (plus Memorial DayÕs Monday holiday) are at Pioneer ParkÕs band shell in Nevada City. There are no rehearsals during January, February, September, and December, and also during the first weeks of March .
The band welcomes talent of all ages and musicians are invited to inquire about membership by contacting the band by email or by calling the band's telephone number as listed below.
8th Grade Community Service and 12th Grade Senior
Options for completing your service projects are available with the band, which
is a non-profit organization.
Contact the bandÕs conductor to work out individual details. Options may include:
¥ Performance
¥ Conducting
¥ Composing
¥ Instrument study
¥ Publicity
¥ Web site design
¥ Music research and script writing
¥ Public speaking
¥ other options too!
Community Support
The band incurs many costs through out a concert season, including the costs of
maintaining its music library, setting up various concert sites, printing
programs and posters, and facilities rental fees. We have recently purchased new
percussion instruments, plus other capital expenses. There are several more items on our wish
Since there are no admission fees to the concerts, these costs are paid by monies gathered mostly by donations from the local Community by passing the "gold pans" at concerts, by concert sponsors and by the band members digging deeply into their own pockets. If you would like to support the band by a direct donation or would like to become a member of the band's boosters, please contact the band by clicking on the email address, dialing the telephone number listed below, or sending mail to the address, listed below. And, please know that the band greatly appreciates your donation.